Dear Friend of St. Gerard

Lent is a season of forty days in which you and I, with the whole Church, prepare to celebrate the Paschal or Easter Mystery, the dying and rising of Christ, his passage from the cruel and humiliating death of crucifixion to the full joy of eternal life. It is the passage from darkness to light, from sin to grace and the victory of love over hatred, of life over death.
This mystery was at the center of St. Gerard’s life, spirituality and ministry. It is the same mystery of Love that made him work wonders. As the Mothers’ Saint, he is the special protector and intercessor for all mothers, those desiring to be mothers, those having trouble conceiving, and those women with a difficult pregnancy or facing a complicated delivery.
Please encourage others to join the League of St. Gerard, to share this newsletter with family and friends and to tell everyone about St. Gerard’s website and Facebook page dedicated to praying for and bringing hope to all mothers.
In the love of Christ, our Redeemer and our common friendship with St. Gerard,
Fr. Allan Weinert, C.Ss.R.
St. Gerard,
please intercede
for all women
longing to be mothers
but finding it
to conceive.
Obtain for them
their heart’s desire.
Help them
to be life-giving,
loving people,
always trusting in God
to make all
good things
happen at
just the right time.